In Canada, very few business owners are aware of the multiple uses and options available to them through a laser cheque. This mode of payment is especially beneficial to those companies that have multiple bank accounts! While many Canadians are aware that the cheque is the most common form for exchanging billing between companies and individuals, many are unaware that they have this option when they are ordering cheques. Many more Canadians need to be made aware that a laser cheque option is available to them, and that they can even acquire personalized cheques for their business. The cheque system was first used between 1118 and 1307 by the pilgrims on their way to the holy land. The pilgrims used a method of deposit and exchange with documentation of such an order known today as a laser cheque.
With Canadian cheques being the utmost target of the mailbox thieves across Canada, it just does not pay to try and save money with cheap checks. In addition to this, we now have a laser cheque available to Canadians that allows cheques to only be printed on a secure cheque stock. This extra form of security for a laser cheque can help the Canadian business owner feel at ease in regards to their money transferring. Because of these advancements in technology and banking security, we can be assured that the laser cheque is the way of the future when transferring money and placing orders for money delivery in Canada.