In this video, you’ll get the know-how to maintain your garage door. Given that you use your garage door and opener regularly, you’ll find these tips quite handy. The video begins by recommending monthly maintenance checks with the help of the owner’s manual.
Check the balance by engaging the release handle and lifting the door manually. It should stay in place after you lift it halfway.
Next, place a two-by-four underneath the garage door to see if it opens back up when it encounters an object in its path.
If not, your down force control limit needs adjustment. Additionally, your photo eye sensors, which prevent the door from closing if something is in the way, need to be aligned and the sensors cleaned if there’s a problem.
Sometimes your hinges and sagging chainer belt need to be tightened, and your tracks cleaned and tightened as well. Last but not least, something as simple as replacing the battery and the light bulbs can help.
These are all great DIY tips for garage door maintenance, but the video strongly advises against is tackling torsion springs. If your garage door has broken springs, it’s best to call a garage door technician.