In this video, you will learn about how a local insurance company operates. It is important to know that no company or insurance agent can ever claim to have the best price. That’s simply because the price is constantly changing.
When you are seeking out insurance, it’s usually in a single moment in time. The company that is the best right then for you may not be the best in a year. The best way to describe an independent insurance agency is from home, auto, and independent insurance. The best way is to sign up online. Captive agents are next to or independent agents. You could call an 800 number and. get insurance by yourself. Liberty mutual is an example of this where you could sign up that easily. Captive agencies have a local branch. You are calling these companies for insurance, and they will tell you what is available with their company. An independent agency will make relationships with multiple agencies. They make a lot of different relationships with different companies. Different agencies work with different amounts of companies. There is no competition in a captive agency. An agency might have multiple companies they are working with.