There are more assisted living expenses than some people initially realize. For example, it is not uncommon for the facility to charge a significant amount of money to have someone live there in the first place. It would be best if you thought about the labor costs and other expenses that are associated with running that facility to understand why they charge as much as they do.
Another big issue that some are beginning to encounter is that they might need to pay a bit extra to get their loved one into one of these facilities because there is a labor shortage across the industry. It is hard for these facilities to find the workers they need to power forward, and many have simply given up on the prospect of doing so. Thus, you might expect to pay more than you typically would because labor costs have increased.
Finally, it is also true that the expenses for having your loved one in one of these facilities can increase when they have specific medical needs that are not easy to take care of. The staff on duty might have to have specialized training to help with these issues, and you need to be aware that this is also an expense to the facility that they might have to pass on to you.