If you are looking for down payment assistance programs or other ways to make your dream of homeownership come true, VA home loans may indeed be exactly what you are looking for. Since the housing market took a nosedive in 2008, Fha home loans and VA home loans have become more and more popular for a number of potential borrowers out there right now, including special considerations for those who may wish to purchase a fixer upper. Some FHA home loan lenders offer a 203k program, which is designed for those borrowers who need a bit of extra cash to repair or renovate a given home, so ask yourself what you are willing to do in order to put your name on the deed to a house in the first place.
Many a first time home buyers program are available for those seeking FHA and VA home loans, so look into this type of assistance as well, whenever possible. For instance, after conducting a property search and setting up a viewing of many different homes in a day, you may be advised to immediately rank each property on a scale of one to ten upon concluding your search. This can be quite helpful in the quest to narrow down the options you have in mind.
Furthermore, anyone looking for VA home loans, or indeed any home loans, should take closing costs into account. These costs can be quite high, so make sure that you do your research prior to making an offer on a house. Many FHA loans may include clauses that place the burden of some of these costs, such as title expenses and appraisal, on other parties such as the seller or lender itself. Work out the numbers before making a serious offer, and you should hopefully be all set!