Most of us have clothes that we don’t wear cluttering our closets or laying around our rooms. You possibly don’t like how they fit, or maybe you’ve just outgrown them. Plus, with ever-changing fashion trends, it is easy to find yourself with an ever-growing stack of clothes.
If you happen to be among the group of people who have lots of clothes scattered around their rooms or untouched in the closet, you’re not alone. Statistics say that only 15% of Americans donate or recycle used clothing. The rest either hoard their used clothes or just throw them away.
When it comes to used clothes, donating is the best way to go. Not only are you donating your used clothes for a good cause, but you’ll also be freeing up some storage space in your closets. There are plenty of charitable organizations looking for donations so you’ll never fail to find somewhere to give up all the clothes you don’t need.
Here are just some of the reasons you should donate to charity.
To Help the Less Fortunate with Clothes
Not everyone is lucky enough to afford new or even thrifted clothing. That’s why there are plenty of organizations looking for donations from people throughout the United States. These organizations clean your donated clothing and offer them at incredible discounts to people who can’t afford new clothes. Some organizations, however, give out free clothes to institutions and anyone who needs some help.
To Help Victims of Disasters
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is always looking for clothing donations from willing people to help disaster survivors. With natural and human-made disasters destroying shelters and homes, most people who survive end up with nothing to their name, including clothing.
Environmental Conservation
Factories that produce cheap clothes in massive quantities pollute the air we breathe and contribute to global warming. Worse yet, many cloth manufacturers also make clothes from non-biodegradable materials that pollute our soils and water systems.
When you donate your clothes, you decrease the demand for new clothes. This means that you’re helping to reduce the overall number of clothing that industries produce, hence leading to less pollution. You also won’t be dumping any inorganic materials on the ground.
For a Neater and More organized Room
The mess and clutter associated with unused clothes is never a good look. Why not give those unused clothes to charity so you can free up some space and properly organize your room? Helping these organizations could actually wind up helping you out in the end.
To Help Army Veterans
To show your appreciation for the army veterans who have fought to protect the country then consider donating your clothes to charitable organizations like GreenDrop. GreenDrop works in conjunction with The Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH). We then convert the donations to cash for which they use to support veterans and their families. We also finance education for retired veterans and cater for any medical expenses for them.
A purple heart clothes donation for clothes you don’t wear anymore goes a long way.
In conclusion
Many organizations are looking for donations in the form of clothes, money, household, and food items to name a few. Exercise your goodwill by reaching out to these organizations and find out how you can help. At Green Drop, we can even perform a charity clothing pick up if you can’t make it to one of our service locations.