Budgeting is a great practice even though it may seem like a hassle at first. However, it will help you keep track of your money and find ways to reduce spending. This can be crucial to build up savings or get out of debt more quickly. Who doesn’t love saving money? With a little bit of care and research, you will be surprised how many ways you can save money for your family. In this video, you will learn how to save money on your plumbing.
CPVC piping is a great piping option to save money. It is more affordable than that common copper piping that you see in many homes.
However, it only lasts about 75% of the time that copper lasts. This puts the lifespan at around 50 to 75 years. If you are not planning on living in the house longer than that timeframe, this is a great option for you. You could save even more money by installing the CPVC yourself. However, it is not the easiest to install.
If you intend on doing a self install to save money, consider PEX piping. It is specially made to be easy to install. It is also an affordable option as well.