Buying a grave mark can be hard because of the options available and the memories it brings back. People must decide whether they want a basic, standard, or high-end grave marker. Typically, the primary options cost a few hundred dollars, the standard options range can reach $3000, and high-end options can reach $25,000.
So what affects the price of a marker?
According to the narrator in this video, granite, the most used material for grave markers, comes from around the world from inexpensive and expensive granites. This is the single largest contributor to the price of a grave mark.
The narrator in this video also indicates that size affects the size of a grave mark but not to the extent people think. For instance, if a person doubles the size of their order, then costs won’t be double; they will increase by about 60%.
People decide to customize grave markers with various features to make them stand out. Among the most common finish elements include colors, photos, and shapes. Obviously, simple shapes cost less, and more complicated ones cost more.