Have you always wanted to start your very own business, but have never been able to get your grand idea off the ground because you did not have the initial seed money? Have you need in debt for a while and are looking for a way to pay off your dues and get your credit…
Have an Immediate Financial Need? Sell Annuity Payments for Cash up Front
Have you recently won the lottery or have been awarded financially as a result of winning a lawsuit? If the answer is yes, it is extremely likely that you received your payment in the form of an annuity. Typically, this type of payment works in a certain way — you receive a certain amount of…
Top 5 Reasons to Outsource Your Payroll
Anyone who had ever managed payroll knows there is a lot more to than cutting cheques each week. This is one of the reasons many small businesses use an outsource payroll services company. This can be especially important if they operate in both the Canada and United States. The laws that govern employment and taxes…
5 Kinds of REITs and How to Invest in Them
What is an REIT? REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. These are a main consideration when it comes to equity or creating a fixed income portfolio. They typical own or manage some sort of commercial real estate property that is producing income. There are several types of REITs which we will go a little…
3 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Commissioning a Business Valuation Company
Companies used to be able to turn to accounting firms or other financial institutions to have a business valuation calculated. It only made sense that these number-savvy individuals who spend much of their workday analyzing financial data would be a good resource for a business valuation service. As with most aspects of business, however, specialization…
Top 5 Reasons to Sell an Annuity
If he were alive, your husband would be at the “eligible for Medicare” stage of life according to the letters you received in the mail today. Completely absurd. Instead of being eligible for a Medicare, your husband died nearly seven years ago. Besides the fact that he never even lived in the house where you…
Pre Settlement Loans What You Don’t Know
Each year, thousands of people find themselves the recipients of settlements. There are a number of reasons why people end up as the recipients of settlements. Commonly, those receiving settlements are people who have pursued personal injury lawsuits. Perhaps your doctor committed medical malpractice; perhaps you were hurt on the job, or the victim of…
Increase Cash Flow with Cheque Scanners and Cash Counters
As the saying goes, “cash is king.” Nowhere is this more true than in the realm of businesses, small and large. Strong cash flow, or the difference in your company’s cash in versus cash out, is integral to any successful business. But improving that cash flow isn’t always easy. A large part of the challenge…
Improve Your Bottom Line with a Currency Counting Machine
Does your business deal with a lot of cash? Do you allow your customers to pay with a cheque or check? If you can answer those questions in the affirmative, you may want co consider getting a cash recycler machine. There are a few ways having one will help improve your bottom line and make…
Tips to Get the Business Valuation Report that You Need
So you need to do an analysis of your business. Maybe you are interested in getting a business valuation report. Why do you need this? Many first time business owners are surprised when they first learn that the reasons for having a business appraisal valuation done actually impact the results they receive but they do….