Many people see starting a new business as the quintessential American thing to do. That is one reason so many new businesses open their doors every day and every month. An estimated 543,000 new businesses open each and every month in the United States. If you own your own business, at some point you probably…
Here’s How Investing in Advanced IPO Data Can Completely Transform and Enhance Your Portfolio
Initial public offerings remained a secret on Wall Street for years, but the recent influx of new start-ups that take over certain industries have made them part of every successful broker’s portfolio. While IPOs are unquestionably lucrative, you need to do your homework to get the most out of your investment. While this may seem…
Selling Your Annuity Gives You Control Over Your Money
Control over your money gives your control over your future. This is a lesson people learn sooner or later. Controlling your money can mean many different things: paying off your debt, investing your money, saving or using your money for a college education or to start a business. If like thousands of Americans you are…
Decline in Ranching Doesn’t Mean It’s Permanent
Ranching has always been an exciting and lucrative business in the United States. We’ve seen entire states used as agricultural land for years; we’ve seen Ted Turner spend $20 million in 1988 when he purchased an over 100,000-acre ranch; and more recently, we have seen a decline in owners of cattle ranches, farmers, and other…
Tips for How to Get money From a Settlement Now
If you have done what many people dream of doing by winning the lottery or a giant lawsuit, you may have questions about the money you will receive. Many people do not realize that most of the time, money from lawsuits or lottery jackpots is paid out over a long time. This is one reasons…
How Accurate are Coin Sorter and Counter Machines?
In New Jersey, the accuracy of some coin counting machines is being called into question. It all started with Matt Ventrella and his husband, Fred. They said they were saving, penny by penny, to bring their family to Disney World. After collecting $248 in change (they planned on buying souvenirs with this money) they brought…
Medical Record Scanning Services Require Many Hours of Manpower
Have you ever heard the saying, “No good deed goes unpunished”? Behind that strange saying is the wisdom that even when you are doing your very best at your assigned task someone will likely find a way to give you even more work to do. If you are on the staff of one of the…
So I’ve Won the Lottery — Now What
Day after day, American hopefuls visit their local convenience stores, meager dollars and change in hand, looking to change their lives by purchasing a lottery ticket. Indeed, winning the lottery is certainly the American dream. And while winning $5 here and there on a scratch-off is fun, most of us rarely know the glory of…
Why Selling Your Structured Settlement May Be Right For You
When it comes time to payout lottery winnings, you’ll find that the governments and companies that run these lotteries prefer to do things their own way. That isn’t to say that there aren’t some industry standards, though. For example, just about any winnings you earn likely won’t be paid to you in one lump sum….
Present and Fast Annuities
A typical annuity settlement comes slowly over time. This might seem like a good thing but life rarely waits. While a steady sum may build up over years, it isn’t always enough to handle situations that arise quickly and can spiral out of control. Annuity fees over a given year can be 3%, after all….