Are you hoping to lower your heating bill? Seasonal furnace maintenance is not enough on its own. There are still many things you can do to lower your heating bill. In this video, you will learn about some of the easiest ways to lower your heating bill.
One way to make your home warmer is to up the humidity. Maybe it doesn’t actually make it warmer, but you will feel significantly warmer. Then, you will be able to turn your thermostat down a little bit. The best way to up the humidity is to get a humidifier. However, to save even more money, you can use a pot of water on a wood fireplace.
You should also be avoiding wearing summer clothing inside. It is winter after all. When you wear clothing that was designed for winter, you will be much warmer. This means that you can turn that thermostat down just a little more. These two steps will save you money this winter with no extra cost to you. Watch the video to learn about even more tips that you can use on a low budget to lower your heating expenses.